HOME > Kitchen > Explained: What Are The Advantages Of A Cast Iron Pan?

Explained: What are the advantages of a cast iron pan?

Pans made of heavy cast iron are absolute kitchen classics and are still very popular today. Our guide summarizes the advantages of the material and explains what to look out for.

Robust and high quality: with a cast iron pan you buy a reliable companion for many years.

In today's world of kitchen equipment, the choice is wide. The cast iron pan, on the other hand, is not impressed by trends, as its qualities are still undisputed.

Cast iron pan: These are the advantages

The advantages of cast iron pans concern several aspects:
  • Cast iron is powerful and heavy, the material therefore takes a while to get warm, but then stores the heat all the longer.
  • Cast iron pans are extremely robust and durable. It is often an investment for decades.
  • The patina that forms on the surface has excellent anti-stick properties.
  • Because the material also has pores, the taste subtleties can even improve over time.
  • Cast iron is oven-safe.
So there are good reasons that the cast iron pan is especially with professional cooks high in the course. However, a little special knowledge is needed in care and cleaning: since the patina is removed when using rinsing sponges, a regular burn-in is required. Dies ist allerdings nicht sehr kompliziert und geschieht in der Regel mit normalem Haushaltsöl wie Rapsöl.

By Astraea

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