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MILES: Fill up and get credit - how it works

In so-called "free-floating," refueling is a logistical challenge for car-sharing providers. Customer cooperation is rewarded because of this. We explain how you get paid for refueling at MILES.

Whoever refuels gets paid: at MILES, you also get a credit if you refuel a vehicle.

Not much fuel is needed for short distances in the city. Nevertheless, a low fill level can be a problem, whether for yourself or for other drivers.

MILES: Filling up is rewarded

For refueling with MILES, here is the most important info:
  • The prerequisite is that the fill level of the tank is less than 25 percent.
  • If you then fill up, you get 5 euros reward.
  • MILES works with the partner gas stations Aral and Total together.
  • You can find them via the gas station finder in the app. There, the named gas stations are highlighted, so that navigation works quickly and easily.
  • At the gas station: In the app you will find under "Refuel" a PIN that you need. The fuel card is in the glove compartment, with it you pay normally at the cash register.
Since the refueling process usually takes only a few minutes, the 5 euros are a reasonable reward, which means the equivalent of a free ride of about five minutes. Zu beachten ist allerdings, dass nur ein Tankvorgang pro Tag gutgeschrieben wird.

By Pavkovic

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