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Batman Arkham Knight: Gotham on Fire

In the game Batman: Arkham Knight you have to capture the villain "Firefly" in a side mission. Behind the pseudonym is Garfield Lynns, who is both a designer and an expert in pyrotechnics. If you want to complete the mission, it is necessary to find the burning fire stations.

How to complete the quest "Gotham in Flames" in Batman: Arkham Knight

In order to unlock the extended ending in the game Batman Arkham Knight, you need to complete all the wanted list missions. This includes the side quest "Gotham in Flames". Here you have to go in search of Garfield Lynns and capture him for the GCPD.
  1. In the mission you have to go to the burning fire stations on each of the three main islands.
  2. Once you have found them, use the Batmobile to extinguish the fire by activating the building's extinguishing system.
  3. For this you have to activate the combat mode and then hook the winch into the device. Now you have to slowly accelerate until the sprinkler system comes on.
  4. Once you have extinguished the fire, Firefly already appears. Now it comes to a chase, where Firefly periodically sets the road on fire. Dodge the fires and try to get as close to him as possible.
  5. Once you are close enough to him, activate the ejector seat. Danach kommt es zu einem Quicktime-Event.
  6. Nachdem Sie dies dreimal bei jeder Feuerwache durchgeführt haben, haben Sie den Schurken weggesperrt.

By Daub Desilets

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