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Batman Arkham Knight - solve the perfect crime

A mission in Batman Arkham Knight is called "The Perfect Crime". This is a manhunt mission in which you have to find the person responsible for several murders and missing persons cases. We will show you how to solve the mission correctly.

Batman: Solve "The Perfect Crime" Mission

In Batman Arkham Knight there is a manhunt mission called "The Perfect Crime". The goal of which is to find the mad Professor Pyg, who is responsible for several murders. To find his hideout, you'll have to examine a total of six corpses and find three abnormalities each on the skin, muscle, and bone levels.
  1. In the first corpse, examine the left ear, the intestine in the right lower abdomen and the left side of the pelvis.
  2. On corpse two, find clues on the left side of the upper arm, chest side and knee respectively.
  3. On corpse three, focus on the left thigh, neck and left hand.
  4. On the fourth corpse, examine the thigh, kidney and the half of the skull on the right side.
  5. Corpse five has abnormalities on the left torso and right eye and upper arm.
  6. The last clues can be found on the right side of the chest and upper arm and the left foot.

Batman Arkham Knight: How to defeat Professor Pyg

After finding the sixth corpse, please go to the Pretty Dolls Parlor on Founders Island. There, you will first need to get past Professor Pyg's slaves, which you will take out with either a ground takedown or the environmental attack. Afterwards, you'll be able to defeat Professor Pyg with a finisher and take him to the GCPD with the help of the Batmobile. As a reward, you will receive the Achievement "The Brave Little Butcher" in the game.

By Lyndel Wenstrand

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