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True Crime Podcast - here real crimes are told

If you want to kill time or just sit in the train and get bored, there is the possibility to listen to podcasts. Here you have a choice of many different genres. A new hype are true crime podcasts that deal with and analyze real crimes.

These true crime podcasts exist

The fascination for true crime podcasts comes from the USA. There, the solving of the crime or the analysis of human horror enjoy great popularity. In the meantime, however, there are also some German true crime podcasts, in which fraud and right-wing populist topics, but also psychoanalysis are the order of the day.
  1. "Mordlust" is one of the best-known true crime podcasts. Here, two female journalists discuss murder cases and other grim crimes that really happened and are currently happening. Along the way, conduct interviews with defense attorneys and psychologists.
  2. "Dirty Business" is not about murder, but about people who made a lot of money by conning and defrauding the authorities.
  3. "Serial" is a true crime podcast that deals with the question of truth. It is about a case that has many contradictions and is not always watertight. Nevertheless, the defendant was convicted for sine deeds. The journalist now talks to friends and family to find out what really happened.
  4. "Time Crime" is sponsored by "Die Zeit". Here, journalists Sabine Rückert and Andreas Sentker deal with exciting German criminal cases and discuss them. They also deal with the background of the crime and illuminate miscarriages of justice accurately.

By Gualterio

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