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Cancel Ojom subscription - this is how easy it is

Ojom is an online newsstand where you can purchase various magazines digitally. This works via subscriptions that you sign up with the portal. If you want to cancel a subscription, you have several options to choose from. A registered letter is the safest method.

How to cancel Ojom subscription?

If you do not know exactly how to cancel Ojom, you can read it in the T&Cs. You can cancel the subscription by SMS, by letter, by phone or by email.
  1. When canceling by letter, you should include your name your address and the cell phone number you used to register with Ojom. Then send the letter by registered mail insert to Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 32, 10178 Berlin.
  2. You also have the option to log in to Ojom online and then cancel by online confirmation.
  3. Alternatively, send an email to [email protected]. To do this, write in the notice that you want to cancel at the next possible date and specify the cell phone number of the contract.
  4. You can also cancel by phone. Just call the hotline at 03032500113.
  5. You can also cancel an Ojom subscription by clicking in the browser. Dazu gehen Sie einfach auf die Übersichtsseite Ihrer Produkte und kündigen das Produkt, das Sie nicht mehr erhalten wollen.
Generell sollten Sie jedoch immer per Einschreiben kündigen, da diese Art der Kündigung die sicherste ist.

By Imtiaz

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