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Enable Ok Google on Android smartphone

The Ok Google feature gives you the ability to control your apps on your smartphone with a voice command. In some devices, the assistant is already integrated. If this is not the case for you, you simply need the Google app from the Store to activate the assistant.

This is how you activate "Ok Google" on your Android device

If you would like to control the applications on your smartphone via a voice assistant, then this is possible via the Google app. However, first you need to enable the corresponding option on the device.
  1. Go to the Google Play Store and search for the Google App there. Then download it and follow the installation.
  2. After installation, open the app. Now look for the icon with the three dots at the bottom right.
  3. Click on the icon to open the settings menu.
  4. Then select the "Settings" option and click on "Voice Input" in the next menu.
  5. Here you will see the item "Ok Google".
  6. This will take you to the settings for the voice assistant. Wechseln Sie über „Voice Match“ auf weitere Einstellungsmöglichkeiten.
  7. Aktivieren Sie nun die Option „Mit Voice Match zugreifen“, indem Sie auf den Schalter daneben tippen.
  8. Anschließend ist es möglich, den Sprachassistenten über den Befehl „Ok Google“ zu starten und mit einem Befehl zu steuern.

By Rudelson Salch

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