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MacBook or iPad - these are the differences

If you need a device that allows you to work or take notes on the go, then it makes sense to go for an Apple device. If you want to be mobile, you can choose between a MacBook and an iPad. The devices offer different advantages and disadvantages.

How to choose a MacBook or an iPad

If you want to work on the go, a mobile device is a good choice. Apple offers two types of devices for this purpose. But before you decide on a particular model, you must first choose between a MacBook and an iPad. Both devices offer advantages and also disadvantages.
  1. The most important difference between the devices is the operating system used. While the iPad uses iOS software, the MacBook uses OSX. This also affects the possible programs you can use.
  2. With a MacBook, you also get a keyboard and screen in one. If you opt for an iPad, you may have to buy a keyboard or a pencil in addition.
  3. If you only need the device for notes and smaller work programs, then the iPad is usually quite sufficient. Bei komplexeren Vorgängen kann das MacBook nützlicher sein.
  4. Für einfache Aufgaben, Gelegenheitsnutzer oder um Zeichnungen zu erstellen, bietet sich das iPad an und bringt viele Vorteile mit sich.
  5. Möchten Sie dagegen komplexere Aufgaben erledigen wie Software entwickeln, Musik bearbeiten oder anderes, dann bietet sich die Verwendung eines MacBooks an.

By Shermy Gust

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