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What is a good ping?

The ping value measures the speed of your internet connection. The lower the ping, the more trouble-free you surf. This is important for online games, among other things, where the fastest possible communication between server and terminal ensures a smooth experience.

When is my ping value good?

A good ping value depends mainly on the speed of the game. While a ping of up to 20ms is optimal for a shooter, an RPG can still feel good with a ping twice as high. Keep in mind that the ping time is lower with wired connections like DSL, TV cable or fiber optics than with radio-based technologies like UMTS, LTE or HSPA. In addition, the ping increases if other programs are used at the same time and uploads or downloads are performed. You can check your ping with a speed test.

Measure ping value yourself

A ping test checks the accessibility of servers and computers in a network. For this purpose, your computer sends small data packets to a server in the background. If this is reachable, it immediately sends a data packet back to your computer. The time it takes the server to respond is called the ping time.You can easily test your ping yourself in just a few steps.
  1. Press The Windows key + R.
  2. Enter "cmd" and click "Ok". Ein schwarzes Fenster öffnet sich.
  3. Geben Sie dort „Ping“ und den Namen einer Website ein und bestätigen Sie mit Enter. (z.B. ping computerbild.de)
  4. Es werden drei Zeitangaben in Millisekunden angezeigt: das Minimum, das Maximum und der Mittelwert der Pingzeit.

By Zipporah Meager

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