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Mac: Customize cursor - here's how it works

The on-board tools on Mac give you few options to customize the device's cursor. To make other changes besides the size of the cursor, you need additional software on your Mac. We will show you how to use them.

Mac: Adjust cursor size

With the existing means on the Mac, it is currently only possible to adjust the size of the cursor. To do this, open the Apple menu on the device, go to the "System Preferences" to "Accessibility" > "Display" and move the slider next to "Selection Size" to change the size of the mouse indicator.

How to create your own cursor on your Mac

If you want to not only adjust the size of the mouse indicator, but make other changes or even create your own cursor, you need additional software for this. For use on Mac OS, the program "Mousecape" is best suited for this, which you can download for free from the Internet.
  1. Once you have Mousecape installed, you can use it to load cape files. These contain various mouse indicators and can be found on the Internet.
  2. To create a cursor with Mousecape, first open the program and drag the downloaded cape files into the Mousecape window.
  3. Then press the "CMD" + "N" keys to create a new cursor, select a cursor template from the list and, to edit it, press "CMD" + "E".
  4. Now you can further customize the cursor and save it to "File" > "Save".
  5. To use the cursor on Mac, just double-click the new cape file to apply it.

By Reich Gaff

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