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iPhone does not connect to WLAN

In order to use your smartphone to its fullest, an Internet connection is necessary. If you don't have a flat rate or credit on your smartphone, the WLAN will have to do. It's just stupid when the connection to the WLAN network fails. Most of the time, however, the problem can be fixed quite easily.

iPhone does not connect to the WLAN - this can help

Generally, there is no good reason why the iPhone should not connect to the network. That's exactly why the simple solutions are usually the best ones.
  1. First, turn off the WLAN in your network settings on the iPhone and wait a few seconds until you activate the switch again.
  2. Also, delete the network from your saved entries and register again.
  3. If that doesn't help, restart the device completely and try the steps described above again.
  4. In addition, you should make sure that you turn off roaming and connectivity under "Mobile Data", so that your iPhone can only connect to the Internet via the network.

The workaround

  1. Should you have access to the router, you can also reboot it and try reconnecting.
  2. Ansonsten wechseln Sie in die Einstellungen des iPhones und wechseln Sie zu „Allgemein“ und tippen auf „Zurücksetzen“.
  3. Dort angekommen, wählen Sie die „Netzwerkeinstellungen“ und bestätigen den Vorgang.

By Ultann

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