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Mac: Snipping Tool - is it available on Mac?

If you want to convert an area or the entire window on your screen into a screenshot on Windows, the Snipping Tool will help you. This allows you to highlight an area, which is instantly converted into an image file and can then be saved.

Snipping Tool on Mac - this way it works

A snipping tool, as known on Windows, is not available on Mac. Nevertheless, OS X has a ready-made function for creating screenshots.
  1. To create a screenshot on the Mac, you only need a key combination as you are also used to under Windows.
  2. Press the keys [CMD] + [Shift] + [4] simultaneously to create a screenshot on the Mac.
  3. You can then also save this screenshot as an image file and edit it later.

Snipping Tool on Mac - are there alternatives?

  1. However, if you don't want to do without taking a screenshot with a suitable tool on the Mac, you have to resort to special software.
  2. The Snagit tool is available for download free of charge and offers similar functions as the Snipping Tool on Windows.
  3. Bedenken Sie, dass Sie bereits nach 30 Tagen die Vollversion erwerben müssen, um das Tool weiterhin nutzen zu können.
  4. Aus diesem Grund bieten sich andere Programme zu diesem Zweck eher an, da selbst eine weniger umfangreiche Funktionalität zum Ausführen eines Screenshots bereits ausreicht.

By Lanam

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