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How does Maxdome work? The online media library simply explained

The online media library Maxdome is comparable to competitors Netflix and Amazon Prime. Maxdome, meanwhile, has been on the German market for a surprisingly long time, offering both movies and series for purchase and a subscription that lets you access a wide range of content.

How the Maxdome

streaming service works is not available for free. You have the choice whether you want to buy or rent individual movies or seasons, or whether you directly sign up for a monthly subscription. Such a subscription guarantees you numerous freedoms: You can watch what you want at any time of the day. In addition, the offer includes about 50,000 movies and numerous series. The subscription can be cancelled at any time at the end of the month. However, it is also practical to rent only individual movies if you do not use Maxdome very often.
  1. Maxdome sis a video streaming service. In the offer are numerous movies, series and shows. Maxdome cooperates again and again with ProSieben and Sat.1 and publishes shows of the private broadcasting group.
  2. At the same time, you can play the episodes and movies on a wide variety of devices. There is the Maxdome app for tablets, smartphones and also for smart TVs. In addition, you can also enjoy your desired movies and series on the PC.
  3. In order to use Maxdome, you must first register for free. To do this, go to the website and click on "Register now for free". Folgen Sie den Anweisungen, um einen Account zu erstellen. Anschließend können Sie über den „MaxdomeStore“ Filme und Serien kaufen oder leihen, die Sie über Ihren Account anschließend jederzeit aufrufen können.
  4. Alternativ ist es möglich, über Ihr Konto ein Abo für 7,99 Euro im Monat abzuschließen.

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