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YouTube: This is the new media library - all info

For some time now, you can see the additional entry Media Library on the left in the navigation on YouTube. Our guide explains what its purpose is and why it can be handy for everyday YouTube use.

Mainly clear: You can quickly find your way around the YouTube media library.

The number of YouTube contents has long since become unmanageable for human judgement. With innovations such as the media library, the overview should be made easier.

Mediatheque as a hub for your YouTube session

The media library should help you to have a better overview of your activity as well as your preferred content. The layout is pretty clear:
  • In the first place you will see your history. This is thus easier to find than before.
  • In addition, categories such as "Watch later", your playlists and videos that you have given a Like can be found there.
The library thus brings no new features, but gives you a better overview and can serve as a starting point for your activities on the video portal.

By Friedrich

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