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"Ok Google": disable the feature on your Samsung

On your smartphone, you have the option to use Google's voice assistant. For this, you just need to download and launch the Google app from the appropriate store. If you no longer want to use the "OK Google" function on your Samsung, you can easily deactivate it.

How to disable the "Ok Google" function on your Samsung

If you would like to use a voice assistant on your Samsung smartphone, this is possible via the corresponding function in the Google app. You can activate this and then control it via various voice commands. If you no longer need the voice assistant, you can also deactivate it on your Samsung device.
  1. To deactivate the voice assistant again, you need the Google App, which you have previously downloaded for activation.
  2. Open the app on your Samsung smartphone.
  3. Click here in the bottom right corner on the icon with the three horizontal lines. Now open the settings of the application.
  4. Click on the menu item "Language". Then select the option "Voice Match".
  5. In the next area you will now see the entry "Access with VoiceMatch". Next to it is a blue button. Klicken Sie auf diesen, um die Option zu deaktivieren.
  6. Anschließend wird die Sprachaktivierung des Google Assistenten abgeschaltet.
  7. Deaktivieren Sie außerdem weiter unten die Option „Im Auto“.
  8. Deinstallieren Sie bei Bedarf abschließend die App, um sie komplett von Ihrem Gerät zu entfernen.

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