HOME > System software > Find Duplicate Mp3: With These Programs It Is Possible

Find duplicate MP3: With these programs it is possible

If you have a large music library, you quickly lose track of individual files. Then it can happen that you have some MP3 files twice. These files take up unnecessary space on your system and should be deleted. The best way to find duplicate MP3s is with a tool.

How to find duplicate MP3 files

The easiest way to find the files is with Media Purge. The software offers many features like creating playlists or sorting music based on different peculiarities. Also finding duplicate files is no problem.
  1. Download the program to your computer and install it.
  2. Now click on "Find Duplicate Files" and then select the directory in which you want to search for duplicate files. You can also search the entire hard drive for duplicate files.
  3. The software will now list all the files that are duplicate in the directory.
  4. Click on the file and then go to "Delete" to remove them.
  5. You can also use the program AllDup to find and delete the excess files. Dazu wählen Sie zunächst den Ordner, in dem Sie nach den Dateien suchen wollen, aus.
  6. Nun geben Sie in der Suchmethoden an, dass Sie die Dateien anhand des Dateinamens suchen wollen und dass diese die Endung MP3 haben sollen.
  7. Klicken Sie auf „Suche starten“, damit das Programm die Suche beginnt.

By Colston Rauchwerger

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