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Store open on Sunday - where to shop

A seamless transition from Catholic to Protestant denomination is usually not possible, which is why you must first leave the Catholic Church before adopting a new denomination. After that, joining the Protestant Church is no longer a problem and is formally straightforward.

Can you store on Sunday in Germany?

  • As early as 1900, the first store opening law was implemented with the so-called "Sunday rest".
  • Excepted from this regulation, however, are some stores that may be open on Sundays as well as holidays. These include: Stores in train stations and airports, pharmacies and gas stations. There, things like barbecue meat, drinks or medicine can also be bought on Sundays.
  • Mostly in major German cities, however, this regulation is designed more flexible, which is why it is allowed there some stores to be open on Sundays.
  • Many municipalities also offer "open Sundays" at regular intervals, which are intended to revitalize the city centers and support the retail trade.

Sonntags geöffnet: So sieht es in anderen Ländern Europas aus

Während in Ländern wie Österreich, Schweiz oder Italien die Gesetzeslage ähnlich wie in Deutschland ist, sind die Regeln für offene Läden am Sonntag in Ungarn, Tschechien oder Polen wesentlich liberaler gestaltet. Supermärkte und andere Geschäfte haben in diesen Ländern sonntags fast immer uneingeschränkt geöffnet.

By Felita Poirier

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