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Steam error code 80 - the problem is behind

If you have purchased a game through Steam, you can install it on your computer through your library. When launching the game, you may encounter error code 80. This can have different causes. Nevertheless, in most cases you can solve the error in a few steps.

This is what error code 80 means on Steam

Steam is a client through which you can buy and manage video games. Your purchased games can be found in your library, through which you install games. If error code 80 occurs when launching an application, then this can be due to various causes. Nevertheless, the problem can be fixed in most cases in a few steps.
  1. Once the error code is displayed, the application closes again directly.
  2. First, exit Steam completely and restart the client after a few seconds. Once Steam has started, try to start the game again. Usually, the problem is already solved.
  3. If the error was not resolved, restart your computer and then try again.
  4. If the game still can not be started, go via the file manager to the folder where you have installed Steam. Delete here the file with the name "clientregistry.blob". Now restart Steam.
  5. Should the problem still exist, it is necessary to completely reinstall Steam. Beachten Sie, dass hierbei auch alle Spiele gelöscht werden und Speicherstände, die nicht in der Cloud abgelegt werden. Machen Sie deshalb zuvor ein Backup der Daten.

By Peacock

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