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iPhone 10: Tricks for better photos - how it works

You don't need a professional camera to take great pictures. You can take great shots of your surroundings with your iPhone. In doing so, a few tips will increase the quality of your pictures tremendously. For example, experiment with the angle of view and use the continuous shooting function.

Better photos with the iPhone

Today's smartphone pictures have nothing in common with the pixelated shots of the first photo-enabled cell phones. With an iPhone, you can shoot high-resolution photos where you can hardly tell the difference from an expensive camera. Just follow a few tips for even better photos.

How to make your pictures even more beautiful

  1. Photographing without a tripod: hold the phone steady in low light conditions and don't breathe in or out when you release the shutter.
  2. Creative angles: kneel on the ground, place the iPhone elevated, or shoot a scene at an angle.
  3. Pictures without a horizon: work with other lines that can be seen in the landscape.
  4. The golden ratio: a subject doesn't always have to be in the center. Place it in a third of the image, this works particularly harmoniously.
  5. Use apps: Installieren Sie sich Apps für mehr Filter, Belichtungskorrekturen oder Tutorials.
  6. Nutzen Sie das Raster: Blenden Sie in „Einstellungen“ und dann „Foto und Kamera“ Hilfslinien ein.
  7. Serienbilder: Halten Sie den Auslöser gedrückt, um mehrere Bilder hintereinander zu machen.
  8. Ear Pods als Fernauslöser: Mit der Bedienungstaste können Sie die Kamera auslösen.
  9. Kamera sauber halten: Reinigen Sie die Linse regelmäßig mit einem weichen Tuch.
  10. Zoom vermeiden: Durch den digitalen Zoom leidet die Bildqualität. Gehen Sie lieber näher heran.

By Carol Reekie

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