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Setting up or using Apple Watch without iPhone?

The Apple Watch from Apple is one of the most advanced smartwatches with very accurate sensor technology. But before you decide to buy it, you should make sure that the watch is compatible with your smartphone. An Apple Watch can only be used with an iPhone.

Using the Apple Watch with your iPhone

An Apple Watch can be a useful companion. But for the smart watch to work properly, it must first and foremost be paired with an iPhone. Only the latest Series 5 model can also be partially operated without an iPhone.You can easily establish the connection with the iPhone.
  1. If your Apple Watch displays the word "Disconnected" in the upper left corner after switching on, the watch is no longer connected to the iPhone.
  2. If you want to connect your iPhone with the Apple Watch, you must make sure that the Apple Watch and the iPhone are within range of each other.
  3. The flight mode of the iPhone must also be deactivated so that the two devices can connect. Im Flugmodus sind nämlich alle Funksignale des Handys abgeschaltet.
  4. Tippen Sie nun auf Ihrem Handy auf „Fortfahren“, sobald die Meldung „Konfigurieren dieser Smart Watch“ angezeigt wird.
  5. Filmen Sie mit dem Smartphone die Animation, die die Apple Watch nun anzeigt, und die Apple Watch wird gekoppelt.
  6. Sie können die Smart Watch auch ohne Kamera koppeln. Dazu wählen Sie einfach die Option „Manuell koppeln“ und folgen den Anweisungen.

By Hayes Guerin

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