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SIM card full - these options you have now

A SIM card has only a small amount of memory, for example to be able to save contacts on it. If you have over 250 contacts, it can quickly happen that the card is full. You now have several options to make room and still keep your contacts.

What you can do if your SIM card is full

On a SIM card fits only a certain number of contacts. This limit is about 250, and once this point is reached, your SIM card is full and you can't save any more data. You now have different options to provide free storage space.
  1. First go through your contacts and delete any duplicate entries or those that you no longer need.
  2. It is also possible to transfer your contacts to the phone memory and then delete them from the SIM card.
  3. If your SMS are also stored on the SIM card, it can sometimes help to delete them.
  4. Another way to save your contacts is to save them on your computer or another device.

How to import your contacts

  1. If you own an iPhone, then you can import your contacts via the Settings app.
  2. Open the app and go to "Mail, Contacts, Calendar".
  3. Klicken Sie danach auf die Option „SIM-Kontakte importieren“.
  4. Besitzen Sie hingegen ein Android-Handy, können Sie den Vorgang über „Kontakte“ > „Kontakte importieren/exportieren“ durchführen.

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