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Overview: This is how fast USB speeds really are

USB sticks have been widely used for years. In parallel, storage capacity has grown rapidly. But at least as important is the speed, because the difference between USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 is big. We show you the values that matter.

The actual USB speed depends on various factors.

USB 3.0 has long been the standard and is very affordable: for example, sticks with 64 GB are already available for under 20 euros. Sticks with USB 2.0 are even cheaper, but in addition to the lower speed, the storage capacity is also smaller.

Theory and practice: USB speeds at a glance

Officially, USB speeds are given with the following values:
  • USB 2.0: 480 Mbit/s
  • USB 3.0: 5Gbit/s
  • USB 3.1: 10 Gbit/s
  • USB 3.2: 20 Gbit/s
The current USB generation is thus almost ten times faster than its predecessor. However, both values are not realistic, but only indicate the theoretical maximum. Despite the lower data rates, the relative difference remains the same. Our tip is therefore: If you want to buy a USB stick, there is no reason to still rely on USB 2.0 today.

Watch out: big differences in sticks

But unfortunately, it is not enough to only pay attention to USB 3. Because depending on the stick, the maximum data rate is very different.Another point to consider: the USB speed is always based on the weakest link. To be able to use the speed of USB 3.0, the mainboard of your computer must also be capable of it. Many older mainboards are not - so the blame for the lower speed does not lie with the USB stick in this case.

By Jodie Capasso

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