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Windows: Add exceptions to the firewall

It may happen that your firewall blocks applications that do not pose a security risk. In this case, you can manually add an exception and then use the application as usual. You can find the corresponding options in the Control Panel under "System and Security".

Adding an exception to the firewall

The firewall is software that monitors incoming and outgoing network connections. In case of a possible threat from malware, the firewall interrupts the connection. It can always happen that a firewall blocks requests even though they do not pose a security risk. In this case, you can add an exception to the firewall to allow the connection. Individual firewall settings can also help better identify malicious software. Before adding exceptions, make sure that they are really trusted sources.

Define Exceptions

  1. Open the menu and go to Control Panel.
  2. Click "System and Security".
  3. Select "Windows Defender Firewall".
  4. Click "Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall".
  5. Sie sehen nun eine Liste aller Anwendungen, die aktuell von der Firewall beobachtet werden.
  6. Über „Andere App zulassen“ können Sie manuell weitere Anwendungen hinzufügen.
  7. Markieren Sie die gewünschte Anwendung, indem Sie den Haken daneben setzen.
  8. Wählen Sie „OK“, um die Änderungen zu speichern und schließen Sie die Dialogfenster.

By Giacobo Luangamat

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