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KLM: Cancel flight online - procedure

If your travel plans have changed, it is possible to cancel your flight with the Dutch airline KLM. However, you can only cancel online if you have purchased your ticket directly from the airline.

How to cancel a KLM flight online

Having booked a flight with the Dutch airline KLM, you have several ways to cancel it. Depending on whether you booked your flight ticket directly with KLM or through a travel agent, the cancellation is either possible online or only at the travel agency.
  1. If you have booked your flight online, simply request a refund for it at "refunds.klm.com" to cancel it.
  2. To do this, select the option "Ticket refund" as the type of request and enter "Ticket was not used" as the reason for the refund.
  3. Then click on "Continue" and confirm the cancellation again by clicking on "Confirm".
  4. To make the refund of the ticket price possible, you will then be asked to provide your contact information.

These other changes are possible online with KLM

In addition to the complete cancellation of a flight, you can make other changes to the flight data on the KLM website. If you have purchased a changeable ticket or Flexibility to your flight ticket, please visit KLM's website and log in to the "My Trip" section with your booking code. Then click on "Change flights" in your account and make changes to your travel dates, destination or travel times.

By Lunna Doolam

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