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MacBook Option Key - what you need to know about it

When you want to perform functions via the keyboard, you often need certain key combinations. Here, the dial key is often mentioned. This key is usually the "Alt" key.

This is what the Option key on MacBook

On the keyboard of your MacBook you will find numerous keys that you cannot necessarily press on a Windows keyboard. For example, the Option key is needed for numerous key combinations. You can use it to move the cursor forward or backward one word within text programs. Depending on whether you press it together with the left or right arrow key. So it is possible for you to move faster through a document.
  1. You can recognize the selector key by the fact that "alt" is written on it.
  2. For numerous key combinations, the selector key is used.
  3. If you hold down the key in the Finder, you can click on "Go to". Then you get to the hidden library folder.
  4. Also when moving files, the Alt key can help you.
  5. If you hold down the Option key and then click "Close Window", all open program windows are also closed at the same time.
  6. Hold down this key within iTunes, then you get more functions. So können Sie beispielsweise eine „intelligente Wiedergabeliste“ erstellen.

By Favata Muyskens

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