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Google Maps: Enter a waypoint on the iPhone

With Google Maps, you always have your navigation device with you on your smartphone. Google lets live traffic data flow into it, which helps you to choose the right route. Here it is no problem to enter a waypoint on the iPhone via the app's function.

How to enter a waypoint on Google Maps on iPhone

Google Maps offers some helpful features while navigating. You can view nearby gas stations or find the nearest hotel. You can also plan cycling or hiking routes with Maps. For each trip you take, it is possible to enter a waypoint into Google Maps on the iPhone.
  1. Open the app on your iPhone by tapping the icon on the device's title screen.
  2. Enter your destination in the search bar at the top. If you have an internet connection, Maps will show you all possible suggestions. It is important that you do not enter your intermediate destination here, but the final destination.
  3. Select the correct destination from the suggestions by tapping the word.
  4. Press "Start Navigation" so that the route is planned and displayed.
  5. If you now want to enter an intermediate destination, tap on the magnifying glass and then continue to search.
  6. Nun geben Sie in die Suchleiste den Namen des Zwischenziels ein und tippen auf den richtigen Vorschlag.
  7. Jetzt müssen Sie nur noch auf „Stop einlegen“ tippen und eine Route zum Zwischenziel wird errechnet.
  8. Das iPhone navigiert Sie nun zuerst zum Zwischenziel und danach weiter zu Ihrem eigentlichen Ziel.

By Idzik Desamparo

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