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Battery explodes - why does it happen?

A few years ago, there were increasing reports of batteries exploding in various smartphones. In the process, numerous devices have already been recalled because they have burned or blown up. A battery can thus lead to a major safety risk. The main reason for such a reaction is usually overheating.

This is why batteries explode

Smartphones and other devices usually have a lithium-ion battery installed. These consist of a liquid and two different metals. The trigger of the "explosion" here is the liquid, which is also called electrolyte. This is usually a corrosive and flammable substance. The energy in the battery is only stored when the metals can exchange electrons with the help of the electrolyte.
  1. A battery explodes precisely when it overheats. This triggers a thermal reaction, causing the temperature inside the battery to rise sharply in a short time and can reach up to 1,000 degrees.
  2. The first sign of such an explosion is the swelling of the battery. For this reason, you should already move away from your smartphone at this sign.
  3. Next, the battery now begins to burn. Whether the battery subsequently bursts, moreover, also depends on the construction of the component.
  4. This reaction of the battery can be triggered by a short circuit, but also when the external heat is too high. Hier können fehlerhafte Konstruktionen, Schäden durch einen Sturz oder einen Kurzschluss verursacht werden.
  5. Beachten Sie zudem, dass auch durch zu schnelles Laden eine solche Reaktion ausgelöst werden kann. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig, ein funktionsfähiges Ladekabel zu verwenden, das für das entsprechende Gerät gedacht ist.

By Reinertson Sumpter

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