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Windows Live Mail error number 0x800ccc0e

When sending or receiving with Windows Live Mail, an error message with the number 0x800ccc0e may occur. The message then reads like this, "Socket error 10061, error 0x800ccc0e".

Causes of the problem

The error number 0x800ccc0e occurs when there are complications with the firewall or your antivirus programs. Windows Live Mail then fails to connect to the Internet properly. Another cause is an incorrect setting in your email account. You may also encounter it if you use the Vista variant Windows Mail or the XP predecessor Outlook Express.

How to fix Windows Live Mail error 0x800ccc0e?

If you experience the error, first proceed as follows:
  1. Click on the name of your account, go to your settings and check if there is an error there.
  2. Possibly port 25 is blocked when the client wants to send your messages. In this case, you need to make port 25 available.
  3. If the client wants to retrieve messages, port 110 may be blocked. Then you should make port 110 available.
If this does not work, check the settings of your firewall or antivirus program:
  • Go to the settings of your firewall and see if Windows Live Mail is mentioned as an exception there. If it is not, enter it as an exception. Danach dürfte die Firewall das E-Mail-Programm nicht mehr blockieren.
  • Sehen Sie sich die Einstellungen Ihres Antiviren-Tools an. Auch dort muss Windows Live Mail als Ausnahme aufgelistet sein. Ist dem nicht so, müssen Sie es als Ausnahme eintragen. Nun sollte auch Ihre Antiviren-Software den Weg für Ihre E-Mails freimachen.

By Terrel Denning

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