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Mac: Open task manager - these options you have

With the task manager you can see in every operating system which processes are currently active on the computer. You also have the option to kill individual processes. This is especially useful if an application does not respond to certain commands.

How to open the Task Manager on your Mac

On the Mac, there are two different versions of the Task Manager. First, you have the normal manager. Also, you can open a miniature version of the task manager. The latter is mainly used to quickly kill or restart a process in case there are problems. Also note that the Task Manager, as you know it from Windows, is called the Activity Meter on the Mac. However, it also displays processor and memory usage. Likewise, the display includes current power consumption, disk usage, and network activity.
  1. If you want to open the Task Manager, click on the magnifying glass icon at the top right of your desktop.
  2. Then search for "Activity Display". Optionally, you can also open it via "Go to" and "Utilities".
  3. Double-click on the result to open the application.
  4. To launch the miniature version of the manager, use a shortcut.
  5. Press CMD + ALT + ESC. Anschließend können Sie Programme neustarten oder beenden.
  6. Über das Apple-Logo können Sie zudem „Sofort beenden“ auswählen.

By Penrod

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