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Aligning the DVB-T antenna - receiving television correctly

With a DVB-T antenna, analog television can be received. Meanwhile, DVB-T has been replaced by DVB-T2, which means better utilization, so better quality and more offers can be provided at a lower bandwidth. So make sure your receiver has the DVB-T2 icon when you buy it.

What is the best way to align the DVB-T antenna?

You can receive analog television with a DVB-T antenna and the corresponding receiver. When aligning your DVB-T antenna, you should pay attention to the following.
  1. Make sure that no electronic devices that emit radiation are located near the antenna. These include smartphones, laptops and smartwatches.
  2. An indoor antenna has the best reception at a higher location or at the window.
  3. The antenna is correctly aligned once you receive all programs without interference.
  4. If the reception strength of a passive (without its own power supply) indoor antenna is not enough, you should get a suitable active (with its own power supply) antenna.
  5. Over time, it may well happen that the reception of the antenna deteriorates. In diesem Fall sollten Sie die Antenne einfach ein wenig nachjustieren.
  6. Manche Antennen haben eine Signalstärke-Anzeige beziehungsweise der Receiver, an den Sie die Antenne anschließen, zeigt Ihnen auf dem Fernseher die Signalstärke an. Sie sollten immer eine Signalstärke von über 90 Prozent haben, um einen ungestörten Fernsehgenuss zu gewährleisten.

By Esther

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