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Monster Hunter World: Aqua pouch farming

Crafting equipment and weapons is an essential part of Monster Hunter World. However, before you can start crafting, you need the appropriate crafting materials. You can either find them in the game world or get them as loot from killed monsters.

Aqua pouch farming - with tricks it works best

To forge weapons with extra water damage in Monster Hunter World, you need to go in search of a Jyura mode. This is because he can drop aqua pouches when you defeat him. This is one of the rare materials you need.
  • The Jyuratodus belongs to the species of fish wyvern and can be found in the Wild Tower Wilderness.
  • Make regular investigations in the Wild Tower Wilderness. This way, sooner or later you are guaranteed to come across a Jyuratodus.
  • Aqua pouches have a high drop chance, but they are still not a guaranteed drop. So not every Jyuratodus you kill may drop the crafting material as loot. Planen Sie deshalb besser etwas mehr Zeit ein.

Darauf müssen Sie im Kampf mit einem Jyuratodus achten

Um sich im Kampf einen Vorteil zu verschaffen, können Sie Jyuratodus aus dem Wasser locken, dort ist das Monster nämlich lange nicht so agil. Also note that the fishwyvern is immune to thunder and fire damage once it is covered with a layer of mud. Befindet sich der Jyuratodus im Wasser, ist er hingegen besonders anfällig gegen Attacken, die Donnerschaden verursachen, gleichzeitig aber immun gegen Wasserschaden.

By Oly Rothenbach

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