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Finding the Spam Folder and Rescuing Email

If a mail service sees an email as problematic or suspicious, it will be moved to the spam folder. If a legitimate email is accidentally moved to the spam folder, then it is important to look through it and rescue the message.

How to find the spam folder and rescue your emails

In many cases, if an expected email does not arrive, it is in the spam folder. This is when it has been mistakenly classified as suspicious by your email service. After some time, emails in the spam folder are automatically deleted irrevocably. Therefore, if you want to save the messages, it is important to find the spam folder first.
  1. If you use an app or program, such as Gmail or Thunderbird, then the spam folder is not displayed by default. In this case, it may be necessary to log in to your account via the browser to find it.
  2. In many apps, it is also necessary to switch to a specific folder view. Optionally, this hides behind a collapsed folder list.
  3. When using GMX or Gmail in the browser, you can find the spam folder in the folder overview, where you can also find your inbox or outbox. Dieser wird meist mit „Spamverdacht“ gekennzeichnet.
  4. Damit keine E-Mails mehr unverhofft in den Spam-Ordner verschoben werden, ist es sinnvoll, die Einstellungen entsprechend anzupassen.

By Natascha

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