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Connecting S8 to PC: Via WLAN or USB possible

If you want to connect your Samsung Galaxy S8 to the computer, you can do it via different ways. For example, it is possible to connect via WLAN or using a USB cable.

Connecting S8 to PC: How to connect your Galaxy S8 to computer via WLAN

There are several ways to connect your S8 to your PC. If you want to proceed wirelessly, it is best to use a WLAN connection.
  • If you use a cloud application such as Google Drive or OneDrive on both devices, you can exchange photos & Co. via it. For example, select a file on your smartphone, tap the share icon and select the appropriate cloud.
  • Alternatively, there are also apps that facilitate access from S8 to PC and vice versa. For this purpose, you can use AirDroid, for example.
  • In addition, some router manufacturers such as FritzBox also offer apps that allow you to share files on the network.

S8 with PC connect: How to connect your Galaxy S8 with the computer via USB cable

In addition to connecting both devices via WLAN, you can also simply use a USB cable.
  1. For this, it is necessary that you first boot up your computer.
  2. Verbinden Sie als nächstes Ihr Galaxy S8 via USB-Kabel mit Ihrem Computer, indem Sie eines der Enden an einen der USB-Anschlüsse des PCs anschließen.
  3. Wenn Sie nun den Arbeitsplatz Ihres Computers öffnen, finden Sie dort einen Ordner vor, der sämtliche Dateien des S8 enthält.
  4. Sie navigieren dorthin, indem Sie Windows-Taste + E drücken. Klicken Sie dann links auf „Dieser PC“ und klicken Sie Ihr S8 an, das als angeschlossenes Gerät erkannt wurde.

By Khan

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