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LinkedIn: Withdrawing a request - how to succeed

On the LinkedIn platform, you can network on a professional level and make new contacts there. This way you can build a professional network. In addition, you can search for companies and use the platform as a basis for job applications.

How to withdraw a request on LinkedIn

You can use a request to network with other members on LinkedIn in order to exchange ideas and maintain professional contact there. However, if you would like to withdraw such a request again, then this is also possible. The procedures differ between desktop PC and app, but both are quick and easy to use.

Desktop PC:

  1. Log in to LinkedIn and navigate to the icon for "Your network" on the homepage.
  2. Click on "My network" at the top and switch to "Show all [number]" next to "Invitations".
  3. Now you get to the "Manage invitations" page. There you select "Sent".
  4. To withdraw the request, click now next to the corresponding name on "Withdraw".
  5. Finally confirm the selection in the pop-up window.


  1. Go to "Your network" in the navigation bar.
  2. Now select "Invitations" at the top.
  3. Now you see an overview of all your invitations. Selektieren Sie oben „Gesendet“.
  4. Tippen Sie abschließend neben der entsprechenden Einladung auf „Zurückziehen“.

By Brosy

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