HOME > Apple > Mac: Protect Folders With Password - This Is How It Works

Mac: Protect folders with password - this is how it works

On your computer you often do things for work, so there are certainly some important data on your Mac. If you want to hide these files from the eyes of others, it is recommended to password protect each folder. This way, your privacy will be protected.

This is why it pays to encrypt folders

By encrypting your files, no one can access them. This way you can secure them well even from guests. As a name for the folder, do not use particularly conspicuous names, but use an inconspicuous title. This way, unauthorized third parties will not get suspicious. You can repeat the encryption process on your Mac as often as you like. Especially if children use your Mac, this can prevent them from accidentally deleting the data.

How can you protect folders on your Mac with a password?

  1. Create a folder. Copy the files you want into it.
  2. Then open Disk Utility and drag it into the folder.
  3. Now go to the "Create new protected image" option. Pick a name for the folder here. Zusätzlichen brauchen Sie einen Speicherort.
  4. Jetzt können Sie das Kennwort festlegen.
  5. Löschen Sie den neuen Ordner, indem Sie diesen in den Papierkorb ziehen.
  6. Immer wenn Sie jetzt auf dieses Image drücken, das auf Ihrem Dock erscheint, werden Sie um Ihr gewähltes Kennwort gebeten.

By Ferguson

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