HOME > Social Media > Facebook: Change Age - With These Steps It Is Possible

Facebook: Change age - with these steps it is possible

When you register Facebook, you can enter various information about yourself. Among others, you enter your date of birth. If you have entered an incorrect date at this point, you have the option to subsequently change your age in your profile.

How to change your age in Facebook

If you have entered some information when registering with Facebook that you would like to change afterwards, you can easily do so via your profile. You can also change your date of birth and thus your age directly via the settings.
  1. Go to the Facebook website with your browser and log in there with your login data.
  2. Then select your name at the top right so that you can go directly to your chronicle.
  3. Then click on "Info". You will now find the date of birth you specified on the right side.
  4. Scroll down to the appropriate area and select the button "Edit contact information and general info" from.
  5. It now opens a new window in which you scroll down again until you reach the area "General information". Here you will then find your year of birth. Click next to it on "Edit".
  6. You can now change your date of birth and thus your age. Have you made this change, confirm this via "Save changes". So you can always adjust your age at will.

By Marline

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