WoW Shadowlands: The Talent System Explained
Talents ultimately define how each class plays in WoW. This makes it all the more interesting to look at the current system in Shadowlands, as major changes have been made over the years.
One out of three: the Shadowlands talent system is easy to understand.
In the past, World of Warcraft relied on the classic system: based on character level, players could put points in different skill trees to define class style. This is now different.WoW Shadowlands: talents and specializations simply explained
In Shadowlands, Blizzard deliberately relies on simplicity:- Each class can select one of three skills at certain levels.
- These are the levels 15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50.
- The selectable skills depend on which specialization is currently active. There you take namely the actual specialization of your character, for example, the Paladin is defined in this way the difference between protection, healing and damage (retribution) and does not depend on the talents.
- The active skills always remain associated with the respective specialization. So when quickly switching, for example, between tanking and healing specialization, you do not have to reset the skills.
- You can change the selected skills at any time without additional costs. Dafür müssen Sie sich in einem Ruhebereich befinden.
- Dadurch soll mehr Flexibilität entstehen, da Sie die Skills stets an die aktuelle Situation anpassen können.
- Einen weiteren Talentbaum erhalten Sie durch die Zugehörigkeit zu einem Pakt. Mehr dazu erfahren Sie hier.