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Set GIF to music - with these tools it is possible

The word GIF is a synonym for small short animations that can be easily sent over the Internet. Most of the time, these GIFs don't have sound because a GIF only contains graphical information. However, you can easily convert a GIF to MP4 format and add music to it.

How to underlay a GIF with music?

GIFs can be found on many platforms on the Internet. Since the introduction of memes, GIFs have made a very big comeback. Unfortunately, GIFs can't store music track, so you need to convert them to MP4 file or other video format before.
  1. Go to Convertio.co site and convert your GIF to MP4 file.
  2. To do that, just slide the GIF into the gray box or press the "Select Files" button.
  3. Once the conversion has taken place, you can download the finished MP4.
  4. Once you have the MP4 file, it is best to use XMedia Recode.
  5. Drag the video into the program and select which music you want to put under the video under "Audio" > "Import".
  6. Now both tracks are displayed in the lower window. Klicken Sie auf den Pfeil, um beide Spuren zu einer zu vereinen.
  7. Zum Abschluss klicken Sie nun einfach auf „Job hinzufügen“ und dann auf „Kodieren“, um das Video und die Musik zu exportieren und abzuspeichern.

By Tegan

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