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iPhone X memory full: tips and tricks

Your iPhone X's memory cannot be expanded using an SD card. Apple wants to encourage its users to use iCloud instead, so it prevents physical expansion of the fixed storage. However, you can free up a few gigabytes of data in other ways.

How to empty the memory on iPhone X

If your iPhone X memory is full, you should quickly delete a few gigabytes of data. Otherwise, the functions of the device will be slowed down or limited. There are several ways to create more storage space. Deleting temporary files in particular is a remedy. Permanently, a cloud can help to cope with the problem.

Creating more space for your files

  1. Using a cloud: You can store photos, videos and other personal files in a cloud, and you will have much more space available on your iPhone X. You can use Apple's iCloud or other providers.
  2. Delete browser data: Safari quickly creates several gigabytes of useless files through cookies and other temporary files. Delete these in the settings. Select "Safari" and then "Delete browser and website data".
  3. Delete apps: Uninstall all apps that you no longer need. Especially games occupy a lot of memory.
  4. Delete app data: Apps also create temporary files that you can delete. Öffnen Sie dazu die Einstellungen, wählen Sie „Anwendungen“ und tippen Sie nacheinander auf die Apps. Wählen Sie „Cache leeren“.

By Israeli Randlett

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