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Borderlands 2: Message in a bottle - how to solve the side quest

Borderlands 2 is once again set in Sanctuary on the planet Pandora. Here, just like the ancient heroes in Borderlands a thousand years earlier, you try to find and open the ancient chamber. One of the side missions is called "Message in a bottle".

What to do in the mission "Message in a bottle"

In the side quest "Message in a bottle" you have to find several hidden treasure chests. In the process, some are harder to find than others. Some of the treasure chests are even marked with a huge X, while others are rather inconspicuous.
  1. Go to the eastern fence of the city and look into the northern side alley. Here you will find a locked gate. Press the green button and you will find the first treasure.
  2. You will find a bridge in Hayter's Folly in the northwest corner of the map. Jump down to the waterfall and climb over the rocks onto the waterfall. Jump over the waterfall - if you look down now, you will see a small bottle. Interact with the bottle and you will find the second treasure.
  3. In the Rustyards follow your marker on the western side of the shipyard. Schauen Sie nun landeinwärts, denn in einer der schmutzigen alten Hütten finden Sie den dritten Schatz.
  4. In Wumwater finden Sie den Schatz beim großen Anker im Canyon in der Mitte der Karte.
  5. Bei Magnys Lighthouse finden Sie den Schatz im nördlichen Teil der Karte. Besteigen Sie den Leuchtturm und schauen Sie an der nördlichen Seite herunter. Nun müssen Sie sich auf den roten Felsen fallen lassen.

By Riffle

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