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Error 502: Bad Gateway - that's what it means

Error messages in PC are not pleasant for any user. When the server of a website is unreachable, the error message "502 Bad Gateway" appears. The cause of the error usually lies with the operator of the server. What it is all about and how you can take action against it, you can find out here.

This is what you can do when the 502 Bad Gateway error appears

If the 502 error appears after entering a URL, it is often enough to reload the page after a few hours. Furthermore, you have the following options in this context:
  • Using Archive.org, you can search for an older version of the website and open it. To do this, simply enter the name of the web page in the search bar and click on "Browse History". The application will now show you chronologically listed versions of the web page.
  • Also try to open the desired web page in another browser. This will help you find out whether the error is not perhaps the browser itself.
  • If you want to have as recent an image as possible of the web page you called, you can also call this up via the home page of Google. Hierfür geben Sie im Suchbalken „cache:“ + „URL der gesuchten Webseite“ ein.

By Corenda

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