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Using a laptop without a battery: This is how easy it is

A laptop can be used well without a battery. But then the prerequisite is that you always connect the laptop to the power supply. Do not remove the cable when the laptop is turned on, otherwise it will suddenly run out of power and turn off.

Using a laptop without a battery

The battery is the part of your laptop with the shortest lifespan. Often, after just a few months, you'll notice how the battery's performance starts to degrade. If it breaks down completely, the battery will no longer be able to power the device. It's not a problem to use a laptop without a battery. In that case, the power adapter must be connected to the laptop all the time. As soon as you remove the cable, the device immediately turns off. So make sure that the power supply is not interrupted by mistake. Suddenly disconnecting the power too often can damage your laptop and attack the hardware. If you do not want to run the laptop permanently without a battery, you can buy a new one on the net. You can often find cheaper models that are not from brand manufacturers.

How to prevent your laptop battery from damage

  1. Do not expose the device to temperatures below 5° Celsius or above 30° Celsius.
  2. Trennen Sie das Gerät vom Strom, sobald der Akku voll ist.
  3. Wenn Sie den Akku lagern möchten, sollte der Ladestand zwischen 30 und 80 Prozent liegen.

By Charlena

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