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What does "/s" mean? We explain the social media abbreviation

On various social media platforms "/s" has established itself as an appendage after posts, especially on Reddit the abbreviation is often seen in German-speaking countries. We explain what it means.

Sarcasm - end: "/s" is an unambiguous statement.

Expressions that begin with a slash are taken from programming languages. With "/s" there is a popular spelling in Internet culture.

What does "/s" mean in detail?

For the understanding of "/s" here is all the necessary info:
  • The abbreviation "/s" is used at the end of a post.
  • Written out, it stands for "/sarcasm", which according to the rules of programming languages means that the sarcasm has ended.
  • Used "/s" to express that what was previously written was not meant seriously.
The reason for this trend is the fact that in today's online culture is increasingly difficult to tell whether a statement was meant seriously or not. With "/s" there is a stylistic device that provides clarity. Whether on Reddit, Twitter or any other platform, it doesn't matter, as this spelling has spread quickly and always means the same thing.

By Yordan Finn

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