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Stardew Valley: Is crossplay possible? We explain it

After several major updates, Stardew Valley has long been multiplayer capable, even a local splitscreen mode now exists. Our guide clarifies the question of whether crossplay is also possible.

Crossplay as a distant dream: In Stardew Valley, cross-platform play is not possible.

Stardew Valley has been released for various platforms, and the community is correspondingly large. The question of crossplay is therefore pressing.

Stardew Valley: Crossplay not planned

In terms of crossplay, it unfortunately looks bad:
  • Generally, there is no crossplay option between the platforms.
  • Only PC players can play with each other, even if they use different clients - Stardew Valley runs on Steam and GOG Galaxy.
Since there have been no plans or announcements on the subject, it can be assumed that Stardew Valley will have to do without crossplay in the future.

By Kyrstin

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