HOME > Cloudservices > Mac: Delete Data From Icloud - How To Do It

Mac: Delete data from iCloud - how to do it

Data from iCloud is practically just transferred data to another computer, which you can access from anywhere. You don't have unlimited storage in your cloud, and with a lot of files, there's still an uneasy feeling in your stomach when they're just lying around somewhere else.

Mac: Delete data from iCloud - here's how

Data can fortunately be removed from the cloud quite easily. To do this, however, you need to log into your cloud via a browser of your choice.
  1. Go to the official website for iCloud and log into the service using your Apple ID and the associated password.
  2. From the interface, now select the entry from which you want to delete files. It does not matter whether you want to remove only photos or other files; the steps remain the same.
  3. Now select one or more entries at a time that you would like to remove.
  4. Click on the trash icon to initiate the deletion.
  5. Nach einer Sicherheitsabfrage, die Sie durch einen Klick auf „Löschen“ bestätigen, werden alle ausgewählten Dateien restlos aus der Cloud entfernt.
  6. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass aus der iCloud gelöschte Dateien nur durch ein Backup wiederhergestellt werden können.
  7. Sobald Sie den Löschvorgang bestätigen, sind die Dateien auf ewig verschwunden.

By Meares Cashen

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