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Google Home: Installing apps - how to do it

With the Google Home speaker, it is not only possible to control other devices by voice command, but also to access certain apps. How to install apps compatible with the Google Home and then connect them for use, we explain in this article.

Before app installation: how to set up the Google Home

If you have a Google Home speaker, you can use it to control various other devices or applications. However, before you can control it by voice command, it is necessary to set up the Google Home. For this, you need the Google Home app and a connection to the WLAN network. If these conditions are met, please open the app and search for the speaker before you make further settings, such as connecting to the WLAN network and your Google account.

How to connect compatible apps to the Google Home

Once you have successfully set up the Google Home speaker, you can connect any compatible app to the device. If the corresponding apps are already installed on your mobile device, they can be easily connected to the speaker via the Google Home app.
  1. To connect, please first open the installed Google Home app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Tap the "Set up and add" item in it afterwards and select one from the list of compatible apps.
  3. The selection of apps that are usable together with the Google Home thereby includes well-known streaming services such as Netflix or Maxdome, music apps such as Spotify or Deezer and the news apps of the Tagesschau and the Deutschlandfunk.
  4. Once the connection between the speaker and the app is established, access to the app content is possible by using the voice command "OK Google".

By Eustache Froehlich

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