HOME > Streaming > Can I Listen To Youtube Offline? This Is How It Works With The App

Can I listen to YouTube offline? This is how it works with the app

You can now find numerous videos on various topics on YouTube. You can also find many music videos on the website as well as in the app. You can access music tracks via the YouTube Music app with a suitable Internet connection. If you want to listen to music offline, that is also possible.

How to listen to YouTube offline

If you want to listen to music from YouTube on the go, the best way is to use the YouTube Music app. However, to listen to songs offline, you need the YouTube Music Premium membership. However, even then it is necessary to connect the device to the Internet for at least once every 30 days to use the offline function.
  1. If you have already downloaded and installed the app on your device, you must log in with your account. If you haven't already, sign up for YouTube Music's premium membership.
  2. After that, you have two options to choose from. Either you use "Smart Downloads", in which case tracks are automatically downloaded based on your listening history, or you manually select the various tracks and playlists you want to download. All downloaded tracks can then be listened to offline via the app.
  3. For smart downloads, go to the app and then to your profile picture. Select "Downloads" and then "Settings". Here, activate the "Smart Downloads" option.
  4. To manually download a track, go to the playlist in the app. Then tap on the "three dots" icon to open the menu. Here you select "Download".

By Juieta

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