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Using your cell phone as a WLAN stick - what you need for it

If you can't connect to the WLAN network with your laptop or computer, then you have the option to use your cell phone as a WLAN stick. You can connect the cell phone to the computer both via a USB cable and wirelessly.

How to use your cell phone as a WLAN stick

If you do not have WLAN reception with your laptop or computer, you can alternatively use your cell phone as a WLAN stick or WLAN repeater. So it is possible to amplify the signal and thus also use the Internet with your computer. Before you can use your cell phone as a WLAN stick, first connect it to your computer with a USB cable. Optionally, you can also connect the two devices to your PC via a hotspot without a cable.
  1. Connect your smartphone to your WLAN network. Depending on the operating system version, the procedure may differ.
  2. Make sure to place your phone as close as possible to the router so that the WLAN signal is strongest.
  3. Swipe down from the top of the screen. Then press and hold the "Hotspot" icon. Wählen Sie im geöffneten Menü nun den Eintrag „WLAN-Hotspot“ aus.
  4. Haben Sie Ihr Smartphone über ein USB-Kabel mit dem PC verbunden, dann gehen Sie genauso vor. Wählen Sie im Menü jedoch den Punkt „USB-Tethering“ aus.

By Jamesy Constantineau

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