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Metro Exodus good ending: How to unlock it

In the game Metro Exodus players fight against human enemies and different types of mutants in a post-apocalyptic world. What makes the game special is that there are multiple endings. Which ending you see depends on your behavior in the game.

How to see the good ending in Metro Exodus

If you want to unlock the good ending in Metro Exodus, you need to make the right choices throughout the game. There are some basic rules that you need to follow. In addition, you will encounter situations where you should make the right decisions.

This is what you need to pay attention to if you want to play the good ending

  1. Do not kill human feidne: There are only two exceptions to this rule. Bandits may always be killed. You can recognize them by the red crosshairs when aiming. Also, you may kill if the game forces you into an unavoidable battle.
  2. Never kill anyone who surrenders: This rule applies even in battles that you could not avoid.
  3. Avoid human enemies: The only way not to kill humans is to avoid conflicts. To do this, you often have to sneak past human enemies.
  4. Wounding opponents: If a confrontation cannot be avoided, you may fight back, but do not kill. It's best to use only your fist.
  5. Detect Enemies: Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, ob eine Person ein Feind ist, zielen Sie testweise auf die Person. Wenn das Fadenkreuz gelb oder grün ist, handelt es sich um einen Freund oder einen Angehörigen einer neutralen Partei.

By Bibby Donohve

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