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Cancel Condor flight online - how to proceed

If you have booked a flight with Condor and cannot take it for an important reason, you want to cancel it. But the cancellation is not so easy, because you will not get back the money for the ticket. However, the airline must reimburse you for any other costs, such as taxes or baggage fees.

How do you cancel a flight with Condor?

According to the general terms and conditions, it is not possible to cancel a flight with Condor - or only if you have booked the Plus fare. But even here, an extra fee is due. The GTCs do not point out that according to the law you have a right to a refund of airport fees, transport taxes and co. Generally, the airlines even try to disguise this fact so that they do not have to pay the refund.
  1. Have you booked a flight and want to cancel it, you can do so.
  2. It is best to send a letter to the airline stating that you will not take the flight and for this reason demand a refund of some costs. Give the airline a deadline of four weeks to transfer the amount to your account. Vergessen Sie nicht, die Ticketnummer und Ihre Bankdaten anzugeben.
  3. Sollte die Airline Ihnen zurückschreiben und eine Gebühr fordern, bezahlen Sie diese nicht. Eine Rückerstattung der Kosten, exklusive Ticketkosten, muss gebührenfrei erfolgen.
  4. Sollte die Airline sich weigern, die Kosten zurückzuzahlen, schalten Sie einen Anwalt ein. Meist zahlt die Airline nach dem ersten Anwaltsbrief.

By Iredale

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